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VAT was not required on my invoices to the Dutch company


I'm doing some work for a client in the Netherlands. Partly from home and partly at their office in the Netherlands.
It is my understanding that I should not invoice VAT to this client. I have this understanding because in 2010/2011 I also worked for a Dutch company in a similar situation and was advised by my gestor that VAT was not required on my invoices to the Dutch company.

Can you help my by:
a). confirming my understanding is correct
b). supplying me with the supporting legal explanation (in English)
c). informing me if any documents can be requested to support these invoices both for my clients administration as well as my own
d). directing me where to obtain such forms if applicable.
If there is anything else I need to know in relation to this matter I would appreciate it very much if you would inform me accordingly.

Kind regards,

Short response: 

Through the VAT Act a procedure that is basically declare the exemption for those supplies of goods are dispatched or transported to another Member State of the EU is built, it will be in that other State of destination where operation is subject to tax effectively.

Long response: 
For an extended response is required to use EasyTax