¿Cuál es la normativa aplicable en 2008?
Leyes: Art.31 L 35/2006, 28 noviembre (BOE 29). Arts. 120 a 123 L 37/1992.
Reglamentos: Arts. 32 a 39 RD 439/2007 de 30 marzo (BOE 31). Arts. 33 a 42 RD 1624/1992.
Órdenes Ministeriales:
- Orden EHA/3462/2007, 26 de noviembre (BOE 30/11 y 11/12) de desarrollo.
- Orden EHA/1039/2009 de 28 abril por la que se reducen para 2008 los índices aplicables a agrícolas y ganaderas afectadas por circunstancias excepcionales.
I had a really urgent problem in the middle of the summer that I needed to get fixed. I tried contacting a bunch of agencies but they were either unavailable, slow, had terrible service or were crazy expensive (one company quoted me 1000€!). Josep replied to me within 10 minutes and managed to submit my forms on the deadline and all for a great price. He saved my life - 100% recommend!